It is curious curious that physical courage should be so common in the world, and moral courage so rare.
Mark Twain

Pete Davisson, SIOR, CCIM is a founding principal of Jackson Cross Partners (JCP), a licensed Realtor in Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Louisiana and New York, with more than 36 years of national sales experience. A graduate of St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, he has completed advanced real estate and management courses at Penn State University, Delaware County Community College and Polley Associates Real Estate School. He has served as an instructor for the National Business Institute and the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce. Pete has earned the SIOR (Society of Industrial and Office Realtors) and CCIM (Certified Commercial Investment Member) designations, and is active in SIOR both locally and nationally. Additionally, he has served on the Boards of the CIRC (Commercial Industrial Realty Council) and the Committee of 100 in Wilmington, Delaware.

Pete is one of those people you meet who just exudes good character. Find out what strengths make him so good at what he does!

Pete Davisson

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I couldn’t believe how "me" the VIA really was. Things that I do, and have done all of my life, but have never even thought about, were laid out right in front of me in print. It was a profoundly moving experience for me. ~ Pete Davisson

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